A systematic review of performance enhancement of humanitarian logistics through transparency: Current status and perspectives
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A systematic review of performance enhancement of humanitarian logistics through transparency: Current status and perspectives 549Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2019 A Systematic Review of Performance Enhancement of Humanitarian Logistics through Transparency: Current Status and Perspectives Muhammad Khan#1, Lee Hee Yong#2, Bae Jung Han*3 # * School of International Economics and Business Yeungnam University, South Korea * Corresponding Author 1 Muhammadkhan@awkum.edu.pk 2ilugit@ynu.ac.kr 3*jhbae@yu.ac.krAbstract- The mechanism of how transparency can help to disasters [1]-[3]. Natural disasters have caused much moreenhance the performance of humanitarian logistics (HL) damage to life and property than major wars. In the last fewfollowing disaster relief operation (RO) needs to be explored. decades, more than 2 billion people in developing countriesThus, the main purposes of this paper are to systematically have been affected by climate-related hazards. In 2008,review the barriers to and benefits of transparency in the Myanmar Cyclone Nargis caused almost 140,000 casualtiesfield of HL in order to improve the performance of HL, andalso to highlight the role and unique attributes of transparency and another 2.4 million people were affected due to the lackin the field of HL. A systematic literature review using the of planning [4]. Over the four decades from 1970 to 2010, inCIMO (context, intervention, mechanism, and outcomes) logic South Asia countries alone, 980,000 people died, 2.4 millionapproach was adopted to perform the systematic analysis of people were affected, 105 billion US$ worth of assets werethe previous investigations relevant to the performance damaged and about 1333 major disasters struck [2].enhancement of HL. Most such previous research investigatedtransparency in the context of HL, with little examination of Global warming is a major threat to South Asian countries,the outcomes of transparency in HL. Based upon this process, especially Nepal, Pakistan, India etc. possibly even moredisaster risk can be reduced and managed through efficient affected. The Himalayas are melting rapidly [2], leading toHL. So far, the efficiency and performance of HL has beenimproved through coordination, collaboration and major floods in 2014 and 2015 [5] and severe waterpartnership. In the present study, recent developments shortages and cyclones expected in the future [2]. Thesecorresponding to performance enhancement of HL through increases in the frequency and intensity of disasters willtransparency are reviewed systematically, with a particular bring huge social and economic hardships [6]. Bothfocus on the importance of transparency, what organizations developed and developing countries are similarly vulnerablecan do to become more transparent and the challenges and to natural and manmade disasters.potential benefits of transparency. The authors provide an in- When any disaster occurs, the local community anddepth understanding of the barriers and challenges to military are the first responders. The major role played bytransparency faced in this field. Furthermore, the challenges the military is the sharing of information and resources,in comparing with recent research are also discussed, alongwith future directions to improve the performance searching for missing victims and providing logisticalenhancement of HL through transparency. However, the poor support [4]. In response to calls for help from the hostperformance of HL is one of the challenging issues associated government, humanitarian organizations (HOs) such aswith disaster risk management. This review article will be nonmilitary organizations governmental andfruitful for novice researchers and practitioners in managing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), United Nationdisaster risk through efficient HL and further advancement in organizations (UNO), local and international HOs (IHOs),the field of HL. Furthermore this article raises the awareness civil societies, and many others with different objectives andof the importance of carefully evaluating decisions related to purposes participate in RO [7]. They deliver aid in the formthe fair distribution of relief items. of money, medical teams, medicine, foods, water, sanitation,Keywords- Transparency; Humanitarian Logistics; Systematic equipment, engineers, shelters, support personnel [8]-[9],Literature Review; CIMO; Humanitarian Relief Operation; relief packages and damage compensation [10]. Some HOsPerformance enhanc ...
Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa liên quan:
Supply chain management Humanitarian logistics Systematic literature review Humanitarian relief operation Performance enhancement Disaster risk Humanitarian supply chainTài liệu có liên quan:
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