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Các bài tập C căn bản

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Tài liệu tham khảo chuyên chuyên môn quản trị mạng - Các bài tập C căn bản
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Các bài tập C căn bản CÁc bài tập C căn bản P4---------------------------------/* Bai tap 1_93 - In tat ca cac uoc so cua so n */#include #include void main(){int n, i;printf(Cho gia tri N = );scanf(%d, &n);printf(Cac uoc so cua %d la :\n, n);for (i=1; im)n -= m;elsem -= n;if (n == 0)return m;elsereturn n;}unsigned BSCNN (unsigned n, unsigned m){return n * m / USCLN(n, m);}void main(){unsigned n, m;printf(\nNhap hai vao so nguyen duong : );scanf(%u%u, &n, &m);printf(\nUSCLN cua %u va %u = %u, n, m, USCLN(n,m));printf(\nBSCNN cua %u va %u = %u, n, m, BSCNN(n,m));getch();}----------------------------/* Xem tap tin cho phep cuon */#include #include void main(){FILE *fp;char filename[50], s[255], *hang[1000], c;int nline = 0, line = 0, i;printf(\nNhap ten tap tin muon xem : );gets(filename);if ((fp = fopen(filename,r)) == NULL)printf(\nKhong the mo tap tin %s, filename);else{while (!feof(fp)){fgets(s, 255, fp);hang[nline] = (char *)malloc(strlen(s));strcpy(hang[nline], s+1);nline++;}do {clrscr();i = line;while (i}} while (c != 27);fclose(fp);}}---------------------------/* Bai tap 9_5 - Tim so tu trong chuoi */#include #include #include #pragma warn -piachar *trim(char *chuoi){char *p;while (p = strstr(chuoi, ))memmove(p, p+1, strlen(chuoi) - (p - chuoi));if (chuoi[0] == )memmove(chuoi, chuoi+1, strlen(chuoi) - 1);if (chuoi[strlen(chuoi)-1] == )chuoi[strlen(chuoi)-1] = 0;return chuoi;}void main(){char chuoi[125];int i = 0, count = 0;printf(\nNhap chuoi mau : );textattr(0x1e);gets(chuoi);trim(chuoi);if (strlen(chuoi)){while(chuoi[i] != 0)if (chuoi[i++] == )count++;count++;}printf(\nSo tu co trong chuoi : %d, count);getch();}----------------------------------------------------------------------#include void main(){char s[100];int i;printf(\nNhap vao mot chuoi : );gets(s);i = 0;while (s[i] != 0){if (isalpha(s[i]))if (s[i] < 97)s[i] += 32;elses[i] -= 32;i++;}printf(\nChuoi bien thanh : %s, s);getch();}---------------------------------------/* Bai tap 5_3 - Tim phuong an doi tien */#include #define TONGSOTIEN 300000void main(){long i, j, k, l, m, count=0, soluong = 0;for (i=0; i/* Bai tap 9_4 - Tim chuoi doi xung */void main(){char chuoi[125];int i = 0, j;printf(\nNhap vao chuoi kiem tra : );gets(chuoi);j = strlen(chuoi) - 1;while(chuoi[i++] == chuoi[j--]);if (--i>=++j)printf(Chuoi doi xung);elseprintf(Chuoi khong doi xung);getch();}------------------------------------------/* Bai tap 1_87 - Demo ve hop dung conio */#include #include #include char doublebox[] =ÉÍ»ºÈ¼;char singlebox[] =ÚÄ¿³ÀÙ;void swap(int *x, int *y){int temp;temp = *y;*y = *x;*x = temp;}void drawbox(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int type){char *boxtype;int i;if (type == 2)boxtype = doublebox;elseboxtype = singlebox;gotoxy(x1,y1);cprintf(%c, boxtype[0]);for (i=x1 + 1; i < x2; i++)cprintf(%c, boxtype[1]);cprintf(%c, boxtype[2]);for (i=y1+1; ix2) swap(&x1, &x2);if (y1>y2) swap(&y1, &y2);textattr(color);window(x1, y1, x2, y2);clrscr();window(1,1,80,25);drawbox(x1, y1, x2, y2, type);}void main(){int x1, y1, x2, y2, type, color;cprintf(\n\rDRAWBOX DEMO.\n\rPress any key to begin...);getch();randomize();while (!kbhit()){x1 = random(80);do {x2 = random(80);} while (x1 == x2);y1 = random(25);do {y2 = random(25);} while (y1 == y2);type = random(2) + 1;color = random(256);drawbox_color(x1,y1,x2,y2,type,color);delay(100);}}-----------------------------------------#include void main(){double fahrenheit, celsius;printf(\nNhap gia tri do Fahrenheit : );scanf(%lf, &fahrenheit);if (fahrenheit != 32.0){celsius = 5.0 * (fahrenheit-32.0) / 9.0 ;printf(Do Celsius tuong ung = %5.2lf, celsius);}getch();}----------------------------------------/* Bai tap 1_21 - In day so Fibonanci */#include void main(){int n, i, fib1 = 1, fib2 = 1, fib = 2;printf(\nNhap gia tri N : );scanf(%d, &n);printf(%d %d , fib1, fib2);while (fib1+fib2 < n){fib = fib1 + fib2;printf(%d , fib);fib2 = fib1;fib1 = fib;}getch();}------------------------------------/* Bai tap 1_68 - Tap hop thong tin */#include void main(){char s[100], s1[100], s2[100], filename1[50], filename2[50];FILE *fp1, *fp2;printf(\nCho viet ten tap tin thu nhat : );gets(filename1);if ((fp1 = fopen(filename1, w+)) == NULL)printf(\nKhong the tao tap tin %s, filename1);else{printf(\nCho viet ten tap tin thu nhat : );gets(filename2);if ((fp2 = fopen(filename2, w+)) == NULL)printf(\nKhong the tao tap tin %s, filename2);else{do {printf(\nHo ten (ENTER de ket thuc) : );gets(s);if (strlen(s) > 0){strcat(s, \n);fputs(s, fp1);printf(\nTuoi : );gets(s);strcat(s, \n);fputs(s, fp1);printf(\nDia chi : );gets(s);strcat(s, \n);fputs(s, fp1);}} while (strlen(s) > 0);fclose(fp1);fp1 = fopen(filename1, r);while (fgets(s, 100, fp1) != NULL){fgets(s1, 100, fp1);fgets(s2, 100, fp1);s[strlen(s)-1] = 0;s1[strlen(s1)-1] = 0;fprintf(fp2, %s %s %s, s, s1, s2);}fclose(fp2);}}}------------------------------------------/* Bai tap 1_86 - Doc va ghi len file mot mang 2 chieu 10x10 */#include #define MAX 10char filename[] = MANG1010.DAT;void main(){int mang[MAX][MAX], i, j;FILE *fp;if ((fp = fopen(filename, w+)) == NULL)printf(\nKhong the tao tap tin %s, filename);else{printf(\nNhap cac phan tu cua mang : );for (i=0; iint n;printf(\nNhap vao gia tri N : );scanf(%d, &n);printf(%d! = %lu, n, giaithua(n));getch();}----------------------------------#include void main(){int a[10], i;printf(\nNhap vao 10 phan tu nguyen cua day : );for (i=0; ivoid main(){unsigned long nguyento[MAX], i, j, l, k=0, n;for (i=1; i#include void main(){unsigned number;char hex[] = 0123456789ABCDEF;printf(\nNhap vao mot gia tri nguyen duong 16 bit : ); ...