Khoa Thông tin - Thư viện Anh ngữ thực hành: Phần 2
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Thông tin tài liệu:
Phần 2 cuốn Anh ngữ thực hành khoa Thông tin - Thư viện cung cấp một số vốn thuật ngữ chuyên ngành Thông tin - Thư viện, đồng thời thực hành đọc hiểu bằng những bài tập dựa trên 8 công cụ như được nhấn mạnh ở Phần 1, với số vốn từ vựng chuyên ngành trong 10 bài đọc tiêu biểu của ngành Thông tin - Thư viện.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Khoa Thông tin - Thư viện Anh ngữ thực hành: Phần 2a n h n g ữ t h ự c h à n h k h o a h ọ c t h ò n g t in v à t h ư v iệ n - 167 - PHẦN 2 Practice Reading Comprehension Thực hành đọc hiổu chuỵên ngành Thông tin Thư viộnANH NGỮ THựC HÀNH KHOA HỌC THÕNG TIN VÀ THƯ VIỆN_______________________________ - 1 6 9 -UNIT 1 LIBRARY PEOPLE t ì i i t h o u t people, a library would be a m ere place, a vvarehouse.A b c v e all it is people using a library who m ake it com e alive, but people area ls o needed to make a library work. Even the com puterized m e m o ry cells ofthe tuture could not íunction vvithout library people - the pro íe ssio n a ls calledlib ra ria n s and the m any w ho help them. On any given day, one person m ay return half a dozen books, am ag azine or two, and several records to the library. M ultiply th a t by severalhu n d re d or several thousand, and the result is a m ountain of m aterials thátmuSit be sorted and put back in the right place. This is usually the w ork of alibra.ry page. Sorting and shelving are also done by te m p o ra ry studente m p lo ye e s, or student assistants. Pages have to be accurate - a book orm agiazine or record m isplaced is as good as lost for days, vveeks, or m onths. Library clerks w ork out in froní or behind the scenes. A cle rk w hodeal:s with the public m ay help a youngster register for a library card, checkm a te ria ls in and out, collect overdue fines, help renew or reserve m aterials,or sh o w som eone how to operate a copying m achine. A copying m achine orc h a rg e -o u t m achine can be m astered in a m atter of m inutes. W h a t can’t bem a ste re d as easily is a pleasant attitude tovvard all people, strin g in g from ađesiire to help them . Such an attituđe is a m ust for all library peopie dealingwith the public. A cle rk w ho preters to work behind the scenes m ay file and keeprecOirds, che ck in new m aterials and get them ready for use, type overdueno tices in libraries w here this isn ’t done by Computer, operate a teletype,feed a C o m puter the in ío rm a tio n needed to o rd e r a b o o k o r re c o rd o r film .Both ou t-fro n t and behind the scenes clerks neeđ a high school diplom ausu ally, or the ability to pass a civil Service exam . All clerks w o rk under thesup ervision of a librarian or library aide, and stud en t assista nts oíten doc le rica l work. - 170 •____________________________ PRACTICE ENGLISH IN LIBRARY AND INPORMATION SCIENCE A librarian in a m odern school may be called a m edia specialist. In acom puterized business library, the librarian may be called an intormationscientist, or docum entalist. T here are child ren’s librarians and younc adultlibrarians in public libraries, university librarians in un ive rsity libraries. Alllibrarians, whatever their work, have this in common: they are m em bes of aprolession In the Service of m ankind - like teachers, like doctors. Librariansalso share knovvledge and skills learned in college, in library schocl aftercollege, and on the job. A librarian does three m ain kinds of work: Selecting m aterials or thelibrary, organizing them so that the y’ll be easy to find and use, and helpingpeople get m ateriais or iníorm ation they need. To select m aterials, a litra ria níinds out what the library’s users and potential users need. Rarely, it ever,can a library afford to buy all m aterials needed. So the librarian m ust be anexpert not only on what m aterials are available but on w hich are moredependable, more useíul to the library than others. To m ake room fcr newm aterials, the librarian regularly revievvs the library collection, removingm aterials no longer usetul. A good collection offers m anỵ points of view onany given subject. An im portant part of the librarian’s job is to resist pressurefrom special groups who w ant to get rid of - or add - m aterial because of thepoint of view. Helping people get m aterials or iníorm ation they need is circulationand reíerence work. The librarian in charge of circulation sup ervises the useof all m aterials. In m any large libraries, this librarian w orks behind the s^enesin a private office. C lerks usually issue library cards, lend and receivem aterials, keep records of m aterials borrovved, collect fines for m a te ria s thatare overdue, and even help people find materials they w ant. The v/ay invvhich each such job is done is determ ined by the librarian in charge. Muchcirculation w ork is autom ated in libraries today - there are com put9rizedsystem s to keep a record of m aterials lent and returned, for instance. N obody knows all the ansvv ...
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Khoa Thông tin - Thư viện Anh ngữ thực hành: Phần 2a n h n g ữ t h ự c h à n h k h o a h ọ c t h ò n g t in v à t h ư v iệ n - 167 - PHẦN 2 Practice Reading Comprehension Thực hành đọc hiổu chuỵên ngành Thông tin Thư viộnANH NGỮ THựC HÀNH KHOA HỌC THÕNG TIN VÀ THƯ VIỆN_______________________________ - 1 6 9 -UNIT 1 LIBRARY PEOPLE t ì i i t h o u t people, a library would be a m ere place, a vvarehouse.A b c v e all it is people using a library who m ake it com e alive, but people area ls o needed to make a library work. Even the com puterized m e m o ry cells ofthe tuture could not íunction vvithout library people - the pro íe ssio n a ls calledlib ra ria n s and the m any w ho help them. On any given day, one person m ay return half a dozen books, am ag azine or two, and several records to the library. M ultiply th a t by severalhu n d re d or several thousand, and the result is a m ountain of m aterials thátmuSit be sorted and put back in the right place. This is usually the w ork of alibra.ry page. Sorting and shelving are also done by te m p o ra ry studente m p lo ye e s, or student assistants. Pages have to be accurate - a book orm agiazine or record m isplaced is as good as lost for days, vveeks, or m onths. Library clerks w ork out in froní or behind the scenes. A cle rk w hodeal:s with the public m ay help a youngster register for a library card, checkm a te ria ls in and out, collect overdue fines, help renew or reserve m aterials,or sh o w som eone how to operate a copying m achine. A copying m achine orc h a rg e -o u t m achine can be m astered in a m atter of m inutes. W h a t can’t bem a ste re d as easily is a pleasant attitude tovvard all people, strin g in g from ađesiire to help them . Such an attituđe is a m ust for all library peopie dealingwith the public. A cle rk w ho preters to work behind the scenes m ay file and keeprecOirds, che ck in new m aterials and get them ready for use, type overdueno tices in libraries w here this isn ’t done by Computer, operate a teletype,feed a C o m puter the in ío rm a tio n needed to o rd e r a b o o k o r re c o rd o r film .Both ou t-fro n t and behind the scenes clerks neeđ a high school diplom ausu ally, or the ability to pass a civil Service exam . All clerks w o rk under thesup ervision of a librarian or library aide, and stud en t assista nts oíten doc le rica l work. - 170 •____________________________ PRACTICE ENGLISH IN LIBRARY AND INPORMATION SCIENCE A librarian in a m odern school may be called a m edia specialist. In acom puterized business library, the librarian may be called an intormationscientist, or docum entalist. T here are child ren’s librarians and younc adultlibrarians in public libraries, university librarians in un ive rsity libraries. Alllibrarians, whatever their work, have this in common: they are m em bes of aprolession In the Service of m ankind - like teachers, like doctors. Librariansalso share knovvledge and skills learned in college, in library schocl aftercollege, and on the job. A librarian does three m ain kinds of work: Selecting m aterials or thelibrary, organizing them so that the y’ll be easy to find and use, and helpingpeople get m ateriais or iníorm ation they need. To select m aterials, a litra ria níinds out what the library’s users and potential users need. Rarely, it ever,can a library afford to buy all m aterials needed. So the librarian m ust be anexpert not only on what m aterials are available but on w hich are moredependable, more useíul to the library than others. To m ake room fcr newm aterials, the librarian regularly revievvs the library collection, removingm aterials no longer usetul. A good collection offers m anỵ points of view onany given subject. An im portant part of the librarian’s job is to resist pressurefrom special groups who w ant to get rid of - or add - m aterial because of thepoint of view. Helping people get m aterials or iníorm ation they need is circulationand reíerence work. The librarian in charge of circulation sup ervises the useof all m aterials. In m any large libraries, this librarian w orks behind the s^enesin a private office. C lerks usually issue library cards, lend and receivem aterials, keep records of m aterials borrovved, collect fines for m a te ria s thatare overdue, and even help people find materials they w ant. The v/ay invvhich each such job is done is determ ined by the librarian in charge. Muchcirculation w ork is autom ated in libraries today - there are com put9rizedsystem s to keep a record of m aterials lent and returned, for instance. N obody knows all the ansvv ...
Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa liên quan:
Anh ngữ thực hành Thông tin - Thư viện Tiếng Anh ngành Thông tin Thư viện Phần 2 Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Thông tin thư viện Ngữ pháp thực hành Từ vựng tiếng AnhTài liệu có liên quan:
Giáo trình Tiếng Anh nâng cao chuyên ngành Vật lý: Phần 1
165 trang 554 0 0 -
66 trang 471 3 0
77 trang 320 3 0
Từ vựng tiếng Anh cơ bản dùng khi viết đơn xin việc
3 trang 310 0 0 -
Mẹo học từ vựng Tiếng Anh cực nhanh
6 trang 235 0 0 -
Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1
319 trang 228 0 0 -
Giáo trình Tiếng Anh cơ bản (Trình độ: Trung cấp) - Cao đẳng Cộng đồng Lào Cai
215 trang 227 0 0 -
60 trang 221 2 0
1 trang 221 0 0
Sự khác biệt về từ vựng giữa các biến thể tiếng Anh
6 trang 218 0 0