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KRONE10GigaBit Over Copper!

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10Gigabit Ethernet is an emerging technology offering data speeds up to 10 billion bits per second. This latest standard has been driven not only by the increase in normal data traffic but also by the proliferation of new, bandwidth-intensive applications. At the recent IEEE 10Gigabit/s Ethernet standard working group meeting it was announced that international structured cabling company KRONE had made a breakthrough. The company has demonstrated the first augmented Category 6 cable in the world with the necessary characteristics to enable 10Gigabit/s Ethernet to be implemented over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) to the full 100 meters required for structured...
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KRONE10GigaBit Over Copper! KRONE facts10GigaBit Over Copper!Bandwidth... Bring It On...10Gigabit Ethernet is an emerging technology This new augmented Cat 6 UTP copper cable wasoffering data speeds up to 10 billion bits per designed and developed at KRONE’s U.S. coppersecond. This latest standard has been driven not cable-manufacturing facility in Sidney, Nebraska.only by the increase in normal data traffic but also The cable demonstrated Shannon Capacity ofby the proliferation of new, bandwidth-intensive 21Gigabit/s due to the improved alien cross-talkapplications. immunity and the reduced insertion loss - which is more than adequate for the 10Gigabit/s Ethernet At the recent IEEE 10Gigabit/s Ethernet standard implementations being considered by the IEEEworking group meeting it was announced that standard working group.international structured cabling company KRONEhad made a breakthrough. The company has With the onset of IP convergence, bringing ademonstrated the first augmented Category 6 wealth of voice, video and data services to a singlecable in the world with the necessary characteristics cable infrastructure, bandwidth demand hand into enable 10Gigabit/s Ethernet to be implemented hand with network reliability and Quality of Serviceover unshielded twisted pair (UTP) to the full 100 (QoS), will drive increasing bandwidth requirementsmeters required for structured cabling systems. to the desktop. The test results on KRONE’s new cable were The emergence of grid computing will be a keyindependently confirmed by one of the leading technology that, in the not too distant future, willEthernet electronics vendors involved in the drive bandwidth requirements into the horizontaldevelopment of 10Gigabit/s technology and the cable infrastructure. Grid computing will essentially10GBASE-T Ethernet standard. Presenting the “cluster” together desktop workstations and PCs toresults, KRONE’s Senior Project Manager Bernie contribute idle CPU cycles to create a large, virtualHammond said, “Our presentation to the IEEE server where performance scales as more users aretoday shows that KRONE has demonstrated its added. This technology may supplant centralisedability to produce a UTP cable that exceeds the servers allowing for the creation of very powerfulrequirements outline to run 10Gigabit/s Ethernet virtual servers scaling to user requirements. Inover a 100-meter, unshielded twisted-pair copper essence the horizontal network connectivitychannel.” Most industry experts had concluded that between desktop workstations becomes anit would be extremely difficult to overcome the external high speed server bus. Thus thetechnical combination of insertion loss and alien requirement for bandwidth and reliable, error freecross talk, or interference from adjacent cables, processing will be pushed out to the desktopwith UTP cable - the most prolific type of enterprise network interconnect.networking cable in the world. Only KRONE’S TrueNet zero bit error rate cabling ® “By demonstrating that 10Gigabit Ethernet can solution coupled with this latest announcementbe achieved over UTP cabling, our engineers have regarding demonstrable 10Gigabit Ethernetonce again demonstrated KRONE’s unmatched capability will provide the necessary infrastructurecommitment to technological innovation,” said to enable cost effective grid deployment acrossKRONE’s President and Chief Operating Officer Ron organisations.Lowy. “We are delighted to be the first in the worldto reach this remarkable milestone.”KRONE (Australia) Holdings Pty Limited2 Hereford Street Berkeley Vale NSW 2261PO Box 335 Wyong NSW 2259Phone: 02 4389 5000Fax: 02 4388 4499Tech Support: 1800 801 298Email: kronehlp@krone.com.auWeb: krone.com.auCopyright © 2004 KRONE (Australia) Holdings Pty. LimitedJob No.: 6167 02/04