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Tìm hiểu về Bộ Luật dân sự năm 2005: Phần 2

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Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo tiếp nội dung Tài liệu Những nội dung cơ bản của Bộ Luật dân sự năm 2005 qua phần 2 sau đây. Luật này có nhiệm vụ bảo vệ quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp của cá nhân, tổ chức, lợi ích của Nhà nước, lợi ích công cộng; bảo đảm sự bình đẳng và an toàn pháp lý trong quan hệ dân sự, góp phần tạo điều kiện đáp ứng nhu cầu vật chất và tinh thần của nhân dân, thúc đẩy sự phát triển kinh tế - xã hội.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Tìm hiểu về Bộ Luật dân sự năm 2005: Phần 2 KEY ISSUES IN THE 2005 CIVIL CODE 345 INTRODUCTION To diíĩíỉeminatc the kcy issucs of cnnctcd important codes a n d taivs. such as the Civil C(XỈc, the Invcstnieỉìt Lcau, the Ixnv on IntcỊỊcctuol Propcrty a n d thc Enterprise Law to the husincss community, Victnamcsc a n d [oreigìi rcodcrs, the Jucliciaỉ Pithlishiniĩ Housc, in ựoordiuation ivith the International Latc Department, the Ministrỵ ofJiisticc, piỉbỉishcs sonw books lìì both Victnanìcsc a n d English to iniroduce thc code a n d loivs s a id ahocc. ỉt is our hopc th at íhc pubtications of the ổudicial Publishing ỉỉouíic Lvill bí' usefuỉ for Ihosc domcsỉic an d [ordgn in dividuals and o rg a m z a tio n s Luho are intercstcd in le aniing ahouí the Victnamesc laivs. Wc,' also hope th a t thcse books ivilỉ contribute to ensuring transparency o f the Vietìiamesc ỉegal system - one o f the rcquirc- ments for this country to hecome a mcmher o f the Worỉd Trade Orga n iza t ion (WTO). We, therefore, have the honor to introduce this book to readcrs! Janiiaiy 2007 TH E JU D IC IA L PƯ BLISHING HOƯSE 317 Partl INTRODUCTION TO THE 2005 CIVIL CODE 349 Part I. Introduction to the 2005 Civìl Code I. sTRllC I URK ()F THK 2005 C I\ IL CODK The 2 0 0 5 Civil Codc comprises o f 36 Chapters, 777 Artỉcỉes ivhivh a re d i v i d c d in to th e fo l l o w i n g 7 Parts: P a r t One: G en eral p ro v ỉsio n s coniprises of 9 C h ap ters Chaptcr /: Tasks and effect of the Civil Code (Articles 1-3) Chapter II: Basic principles (Articles 4-13) Chapter ///: Indivicluaỉs (Articles 14-83) comprises of 5 Sections: Scction 1: Civil law capacity and civil actcapacitv of individu- als (Articles 14-23) Section 2: Personal rights (Articlcs 24-51) Section 3: Place of residence (Articles 52-57) Section 4: G uardianship (Articlcs 58-73) Section 5: Notice of search for persons who are absent from their places of residence, declaration of missing persons and decla- ration of death (Articles 74-83) Chapter rV\ Legal persons (Articles 84-105) comprises of 2 Sections: Section 1: General provisions on legal persons (Articles 84-99) Section 2: Types of legal person (Articles 100-105) C h apter V: Pamily households and cooperative groups (Articles 106-120) comprises of 2 Sections: Section 1: Pamily households (Articles 106-110) Section 2: Cooperative groups (Articles 111-120) Chapter VI: Civil transactions (Articles 121-138) Chapter VII: R epresentation (Articles 139-148) 351 Key issues in the 2005 Civil Code Chaptcr VIII: Time limits (Articles 149-153) Chapter IX: Statute of limitations (Articles 154-162) Part Two: Property and ovvnership rights comprises of 7 Chapters; Chapter X: General provisions (Articles 163-173) Chapter XI: Types of property (Articles 174-181) Chapter XỈI: Contents of ovvnership rights (Articles 182-199) comprises of 3 Sections: Section 1: The right to possession (Articles 182-191) Section 2: The right to use (Articles 192*194) Section 3: The right to disposition (Articles 19Õ-199) Chapter Xlll: Forms of ovvnership (Articles 200-232) compris- es of 6 Sections; Section 1: State ovvnership (Articles 200-207) Section 2: Collective ownership (Articles 208-210) Section 3: Private ovvnership (Articles 211-213) Section 4: Common ownership (Articles 214-226) Section 5: Ovvnership by political organizations, socio-political organizations (Articles 227-229) Seclion 6: Ownership by socio-political-professional organiza- tions, social organizations, socio*professional organizations (Articles 230-232) Chapter x rv: Establishm ent and term ination of ovvnership rights (Articles 233-254) comprises of 2 Sections: Section 1: Establishment of ovvnership rights (Articles 233-247) Section 2: Term ination of ovvnership rights (Articles 248-254) Chapter XV: Protection of ownership rights (Articles 255-261) 352 Part I. Introduction to the 2005 Civíl Code C h a p te r XVI: Other provisions on ovvnership rights (Articles 262-279) Part Three: Civil obligations and civil contracts comprises of 5 Chapters C h a p te r XVII: General provisions (Articles 280-427) compris- es of 7 Sections: Section 1: Civil obligations (Articles 280-282) Section 2: Performance of civil obhgations (Articles 283-301) Section 3: Civil liability (Articỉes 302-308) Section 4: Transfer of the right to demand and transíer of civil obligations (Articles 309-317) Section 5: Security for the performance of civil obligations (Articles 318-373) Section 6: Term ination of civil obligations (Articles 374-387) Section 7: Civil contracts (Articles 388-427) Chapter XVIII: Commonly used civil contracts (Articles 428­ 593) comprises of 13 Sections: Section 1: Contracts for property sale and purchase (Articles 428-462) Section 2: Contracts for property exchange (Articles 463-464) Section 3: Contracts for the donation of property (Articles 465-470) Section 4; Contracts for property loan (Articles 471-479) Section 5: Contracts for property lease (Articles 480-511) Section 6: Contracts for property borrovving (Articles 512-517) Section 7: Service contracts (Articles 518-526) 353 Key issues in the 2005 Civil Code Section 8: Contracts for transportation (Articles 527-Õ46 ...